Wednesday, April 29, 2009

White Elephant

Good morning.

I wanted to blog. All over the place.


It's almost May. That means a Lydia show! HOORAY!


1 comment:

  1. Have fun at the show.

    And regarding the last post... we don't have prom at my school, just a banquet for Juniors and Seniors which will include a bunch of teachers getting up on stage and embarrassing themselves. Should be fun. :)

    I'm going to my boyfriend's prom on Friday. I totally get that you don't want to go, though. Whatever floats your boat, right? For me, it's just that I love dressing up, I love being with my boyfriend, and I love dancing, so it's just a nice combination of the three. If you're not into stuff like that, then people shouldn't be all "grawwrrr" at you about it.

    Your post reminded me of this story that my aunt told me/mom/grandpa at dinner last night. It was funny. The end!
