Sunday, November 30, 2008

You just keep drinking and I'll keep my peace of mind...

How many fucking posts can I fit into one day?

What does it fucking matter? You're reading them anyways.

And I only assume people have caught on and are reading. Cause those profile views can't ALL be weird pedophiles. And I'm sure not ALL of them are from me clicking random shit I have bookmarked like some psycho.

I do that a lot. Just aimlessly click through the same few things on the internet before I realize I've wasted a couple of hours of my life.

I'm wasting life again aren't I? Fucking hell. Just when I thought it stopped...

None of these posts have any meaning or use. Just brain diarrhea that pours out on its own.

I've written the equivalent of a shitty essay with all these posts. I think I rather have the shitty essay instead. That's what I hate about essays. I don't just get to fucking do whatever I want. Everything has to be within context and I just can't deal with that. I can't just wander and whatever happens can just happen.

Yes, that's a horrible excuse for being stupid, but I don't know that.


I speak as if I've lived one minute

And I probably stalk your myspace/facebook page more than anyone else...

Not because I'm gonna rape you. Just cause I'm fucking bored and you're a fucking camera whore.

And by "you" I mean a bunch of people who aren't reading my stupid blog.

"Oh, that Allan guy has a blog and he's being a creep."

I don't need a blog to do that.

So in the next few hours, I either make up some old work or watch my English grade get fucked in the ass. I hopefully will prefer the former.

It's almost December again. I like December because it's wonderfully depressing. Also, I totally get cool points for saying shit like that. That thing I don't really bother celebrating happens in like 20 days or so. Thank god there's no final on it.


It's raining novocaine.

Switchblade Riot has won at the moment.

Thank you folks for voting.

Let's hope this 2-point win stays until midnight when it become December officially and this thing ends. Yea.

There's this band called Killolita. I like their name, but I'm not feeling their songs. Oh well.

Ass. It's a great movie.


And these walls bleed lust...

I downloaded the new Fall Of Troy recording...

It's called "Phantom On The Horizon". From what I get, it's a bunch of re-recordings of an EP they did earlier called the "Ghostship EP". Pretty fucking awesome. I'd go buy it, but I don't think I can make it out to a Fall Of Troy show anytime soon and I hate buying CD's on the internet.

What else have I done since the last post?

I also spent like an hour trying to download the first Taylor Swift album. That's not so good. I've been known to have my periods of time when I've been obsessed with cheesy girly music, but this is not one of those times. Like half the songs are about her shitty boyfriends and the other half I don't fucking know. She's lucky that she's pretty.

Fucking hell I am bored.


Insomniatic Meat

I like to post a lot when I'm bored. It make me feel like I'm actually talking to someone.


I'm still really fucking tired and kinda sick again.

Once again, I find it scary that the first semester is almost over. And all that college shit is coming. I'm not stressing about it. I'm far from worried.

So if by any chance, I get new readers I don't know and haven't read anything besides this post, go vote for Switchblade Riot. I posted a link to that site a few posts down. Do it. They're like less than 14 points away from winning "Band of the Month". Do it. Takes like less than 30 seconds. You don't have to sign up for anything. You won't get anything (unless you decide to email them at and they'll probably send you a free song). I don't really care if you're not into punk rock and you think they suck. You're reading this and I'm telling you to do something so you have to do it or your mother will die in 5 days or some shit.

She probably won't. But you've probably voted already so hurray for you.




Oh Annabelle...she was a slut.

And Australians make funny T.V shows.

And dreams get really weird when you're fucking tired.

And I'm sore all over.

And I have to write or I'll die. Die. Die.


Has the same birthday as me. Who knew? Though I never liked Die much. He's cool I guess.

Have you ever listened to a conversation about boobs between Mr. Gregg, Mercer, and Walker? No? Didn't think so. It was hilarious.

And I'm fairly disgusted. Mostly at myself.

Annabelle is a slut.


Saturday, November 29, 2008

Cow Tipping

I'm home now. Tired as shit. Very tired.

State was fun. The race wasn't that bad. I apparently ran my fastest race and still came in dead last. WOOO!!!!!!!

And now, if I don't get off my lazy ass, I'll have one more teacher who fucking hates my guts and thinks I'm so asshole.

And he'd be right.

Also, for anyone who even thinks about buying those weird ass nachos at a fastfood restaurant, please don't. It doesn't taste bad, but it goes down bad. Trust me. I've eaten worse looking shit and I've been okay. Bad nachos. BAAAADDDDDDDD.

Yea. Please go vote for Switchblade Riot. I don't care who you are. Vote for them. They are so clooosssee to winning band of the month. Fuck this Dame Satan bullshit. SWITCHBLADE RIOT! They bring good punk rock back to the kiddies.

Please. Goodnight.


Friday, November 28, 2008

Everything will be alright...

I'm leaving soon...

So I won't post for day. Not even since I'll be back tomorrow night. You'll make it til then somehow.

I've been having these rather odd dreams lately. They've all just been like really obscured versions of the same few things I've been worrying about lately. Like it's not even funny and I just wake up feeling really down and shit.

Good day sirs.


Thursday, November 27, 2008

Oh what a party it will be...

For you at least.

I need to concentrate. Yes.

I've been downing espressos cause I got the fucking machine to work again and yea...

I would like to concentrate so bad right now. I'm too lazy to though. This won't turn out well come December.

December won't turn out well come December. Maybe. Who knows?

Does it make sense yet? Should I use more hammer?

So besides jerking off, what else have I been up to?

I actually have a somewhat idea for a shitty painting. Parts of me really wanna get this going. Maybe that's what I'll do. Buy me some painting doo dads for my birthday and go with it.

I'm still sick. I have to go prepare to run at state tomorrow. Do you think it'll work out?

Now to go down more pills and coffee and silly and thoughts about girls I will never (and probably shouldn't) date.

Fuck you.


I'm so useless, I can almost do something




Turkeys actually go "omgomgomg"

Turkey. Yea. What are you thankful for?! WHAT AM I THANKFUL FOR?! Who the fuck really cares?

I just wanna eat and try my hardest to not say anything rude to my dickhead uncle who acts like a 5 year old. Like honestly, that man is the most close-minded, picky asshole I've ever met. He has a problem with fucking everything. Fuck you.

But what am I thankful for? Hmm....

1. Paint
2. Eggs
3. Bunnies
4. Crackheads

Yeah. I'm serious.



Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Naming posts is hard....

When you post as fucking frequently as I do.

And letting your kids read this crap is hard. Cause I say "fuck" a lot.

So guess what? My guitar (Alice) no longer likes staying in tune. I've had it for about 2 years now and it's a piece of crap to begin with so yea. I kinda wish I could afford a better one, but I can't. And I'm not about to ask for a guitar for one of the various holidays and shit coming up. Good times.

Argh. Yesh.


Chad Blue knows how I shoot!

I'm fucking sick. My own fucking fault. WOOOO!!!!!!!

So this is gonna be random, but I think Taylor Swift is gonna end up being like a huge crackhead or some crazy Paris Hilton wannabe given enough time. I don't know why. I just get that feeling that she will.

Who the fuck is Taylor Swift? Go on fucking myspace. She is ALL over that goddamn site. She's pretty though so I do hope she doesn't end up like that.

On another note. EPISODE 30 OF BREAK THIS CITY!!!!!!!!! YEA!!!!!!! It finally came out yo. Go check that shit out cause there's a link to your right I think.



Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Living in the big machine.

(Insert cheesy paragraph about random girl you don't know about)


Monday, November 24, 2008

Hey assholes...

Have you caught on yet?

Are you reading?

Did you find it?

Yes? No?

Vaginatarian? Woah.


I didn't get a Dr. Pepper!


I completely blanked out on that one.

So I've been sweating about some shit. What that shit is I won't actually tell you because that's no fun. All I know is, I guess it won't be that bad should something happen. I wouldn't be too disgusted at myself.

I'm going through Break This City withdrawal. Episode 30 better be like a fucking re-enactment of "Blood In Blood Out" or I'm gonna be upset. =/

And finally!!!!!!

Today hurt my feelings a lot. I fucking failed so hard in everything at school. I'm starting to slip again. WOOO!!!!!!!!!!


Sunday, November 23, 2008

Thanks dot com...

This is the part where I just fucking keep posting and shit and then no one reads it...

So I've googled some really weird shit today because of a certain podcast that I've decided to listen to as I write my English essay. To sum it all up, now I just slightly more de-sensitized than I already was and well, that paper is just not getting done tonight. Sorry dood.


If I flipped you off, you'd gimme an F

Just breaking in the newblog. Fuck yea.

Have not written that paper. Fuck it. It can kiss my ass.


Jumping ship...

I think...

I'll switch over to blogspot.

Since all the cool kids use it.

And I'll start giving titles to shit.

