Thursday, October 15, 2009


Why is it my fault the internet isn't working? Why on earth do I have to explain every little detail about what I'm trying to do to fix it to you when you clearly don't understand and don't need to know? Am I an asshole that doesn't wanna help at the current moment? Yes. Have I been trying to fix it all day and am just sick and tired of it? Double yes. Fuck off.

This is good motivation to get my college shit together. I wanna leave here.

If you see a homeless person with a funny sign, he probably hasn't been homeless very long. A real homeless person is too tired to make funny signs.

Or something like that.

Oh shit! A kid in a balloon! What? He was just in a fucking box touching himself. Thanks America. We really give a shit. The fact that we can grow so attached to things like this in the blink of an eye is scary.

My plan to take over the world can also be adapted into a hit trilogy of films. I win.



  1. I can see your point this word hides a bunch of shit yet shows us nothing but the worst on the street we suprot the lazy bums on the street so they can just lay there and do nothing while our lives must go on.
    Home is just a prison to escape from when your old enough to leave, but what you don't get is just because your gone doesn't mean you get rid of what you left behind. They always follow you everywhere
