Monday, July 13, 2009

Happiness Hit Her Like A Train

For the past two (possibly more) days, I've woken up doing rather odd things. Like I kinda hopped out of bed and started dancing for god knows what reason yesterday or the day before that. I eventually snapped to it and was like "Huh?" This morning, I woke up panicking and ran to the door because I thought my dad had forgotten the keys again and was knocking on it. He wasn't. I still have no clue what that banging noise was. One possible theory is that it was the drums for the song that was playing when I hopped out of bed. Me, being confused and discombobulated, probably mistook it for someone banging on a door. That's the likely thing to have happened since it would also kinda explain the dancing. I hope it gets crazier and crazier.

Other than that, I've been up to doing a whole lot of nothing. I learned you shouldn't play the arcade versions of DDR barefoot because the screws sticking out of the pad will probably give you blister and make it hard as hell to walk.

The song "Ye Old Hope" (I don't know if it is actually called that) isn't on the Florence and the Machine album! I have a demo of it. It's a fucking great song. It got cut from the album though. Because of that, I can't 100% love the album. Maybe high 90's.

I missed out on seeing Hard Girls again last night. I was too busy running around screaming non-sense in public. =/

Last thing. The Matches are going on hiatus. They will play their last show on August 23rd at the Fillmore in San Francisco. I'm probably most definitely going. It will probably most definitely be a sad night.


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