Thursday, July 23, 2009

Windows Media Player

Have you ever been just bummed out for absolutely no reason? Yes you have. I was feeling like shit yesterday. I think I'm recovering from whatever the hell that was, but who knows?

I watched "Mysterious Skin". It was a good movie. That scene where that crazy guy basically rapes him is like the funniest/saddest things I've seen in a while. Funny because he was just yelling "SLUT!! SLUT!! RAWR!! SLUT!!!" the whole time and I find random screaming funny. Sad because well....the kid got raped.

Matt Embree plays the exact same guitar as I do. Except he's in the RX Bandits and rips. xD

Speaking of guitars and playing, I've learned a good handful of songs by the Strokes. If Nick Valensi ever dies for god knows what reason, call me Strokes. We can work something out.

Okay. Time to attend my Cabal Players Anonymous meeting so I can kick the habit.



  1. I'm really glad you didn't die while I was neglecting the internet. :)

  2. Yay! you watched it, thats exciting. I'm glad you liked it and found his rape a little amusing :| I wish i'd read it earlier, but i'm in india :)
