Monday, February 23, 2009

The Actress

New band for you to pretend to love.

Dear and The Headlights. Think the Strokes, but mellower. And indier. And probably better lyric-wise. Less garage too.

Question of your day:

Why does Chiodos play everything in dropped D? Jason Hale, mix it up a bit man.

Not that I really like having to re-tune the guitar to something weird every other song. Maybe that's why they invented those robot guitars. What happens when the stuff craps out on you? Can you manually tune those? Isn't a robot guitar just a step closer to a robot take-over? What if they become too smart and start slipping subliminal messages into the songs you are playing? Why the fuck do I care?

So this post is gonna be more on the music side then I guess. No personal blah blah here. Just my horrible opinions on what's good in the music "scene".

Let me plug some more crap.

March 11th. There is an insane show going on at Bottom of the Hill (cause no other venue exists in my mind). I most definitely can't go since it's in the middle of the week, but I might as well tell you about it because it's pretty fucking amazing. Rx Bandits! TERA MELOS! MUSIC! WOOO!!! ALL ON THE SAME NIGHT!!!! Go see it if you can. Both bands put up really great live shows. You're more than likely to have a few faces torn off in the process too.

Umm, umm....UMM!!!!!!!


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