Saturday, February 21, 2009

Party For The Grown And Sexy

I said something about people taking pictures of themselves kissing here (in this very spot). I didn't really like it so I'm revising it. You know, those really close up ones where both parties look really uncomfortable and they're all over facebook? Funny stuff right?

Off to a good start.

Maybe one day all my sarcastic comments about facebook will stop being sarcastic and I'll become their mindless drone bitch thing for cereal. It's bound to happen.

Have you heard of this band called Lydia? Probably not since the people who read this blog don't listen to my weird "indie" shit. That or you don't give a shit about current music which makes you even more cool. Either way, you're gonna have to sit through me plugging this band. I don't care if you don't like it. You're gonna keep reading and (should there be one) you're going to click on ANY AND ALL links I post. Okay? I'm not giving you an option here bitch. You knew what you were getting into.

But you're gonna love me again because I'm not gonna say much about them. Go look them up and use your ears. There's really nothing super special about them (maybe Mindy White, but that probably won't convince you. Google her). Just a bunch of folks who dress like they're in between their 20's and 30's singing about girlfriends and mistakes. Oh yes. They've got one girl in the band who plays the keys. FUCK! REVOLUTIONARY!!!! That doesn't make you wanna listen does it?

Now for something old.

I WANT FEEDBACK?! C'mon. Even if I'll ignore your comment since it's creepy. You can't possibly like hearing me ramble on about random shit. Give me a direction to take this thing towards. You want more puppies? Should I up the volume? Do I need to get a trailer?! C'MON PEOPLE! This blog is only as interesting as I am. I'm only as interesting as how badly I want to fuck you. SO MAKE ME WANT TO FUCK YOU.

(But not really)

It's not like I'm trying to make this super high-brow and deep or anything. I'm not here to promise you anything. You take whatever the hell you want from what I have to say (and occasionally links to free music which you SHOULD click). It's all in code and I'm willing to sell you the decoder ring for 3 easy payments of $9.68 and 1 complicated as hell payment of $.09


1 comment:

  1. You should tell more stories of things that have happened to you. And when nothing happens make some up. BUT YOU'RE DOING A GREAT JOB HAVING A BLOG MOST PEOPLE FAIL.
