Monday, September 7, 2009

Burning dollah

I'm really interested in pin-up girls. So much so that I'd consider getting a tattoo of one so I could regret it 40 years later. My guitar strap is covered in them so I guess that'll have to do for now.

I had this really weird dream. Not because of what happened in it, but because of what I felt after it (you dirty, dirty person thinking dirty, dirty things after reading that sentence). Most of it made no sense so I'll skip to the part where it got interesting. I was in this hallway inside of some abandoned building with these two kids who had a remote controlled car. I was just kinda standing off to the side watching them as they ran around like 5 year olds with a bad crack addiction. They run off to the one end of the hallway and turn around the corner so I go after them because I guess I was looking after them or something. I barely make it past a few steps when they come running back, but I hear more footsteps with them. Following the kids are these two dogs, one was like a white poodle and the other was a police hound (black with like brownish parts), and they were all giddy and excited like dogs are when they see people. Blah blah blah more running. I go back to where I was standing. The kids chase the dogs down the other end of the hallway which has a huge door that I assume is locked so they turn back. It's at this time that one of the dogs comes towards me. In my head I'm thinking "Don't bite me, don't bite me, don't bite me..." What do you know? The dog takes a nibble at my knee. It's right there that I wake up and it feels like my knee just got bit. Weird right? I should stay off the crack.

Now to read and entire book before tomorrow and hope all my homework is done.


1 comment:

  1. Small children and drugs... it always comes back to small children and drugs.
