Friday, September 25, 2009

That's what she said

I can't stop saying that.

I'm apparently getting a new phone because my parents want new phones and decided AT&T was a better company thing than Verizon. I don't know or care a whole lot. I just want it to not die after 3 hours.

I don't understand a god damn thing about playing metal. I wish I did though. Maybe if I actually applied myself to this, I would be better at it.

Old Mastodon is kinda unpleasant. It's only on recent albums that they started to sing instead of just fucking scream. I like it more when they sing.

I'm too stoked on Mastodon. I think I may in fact be pissing everyone off because all I've talked about for the past day is Mastodon. I'm awesome like that.

We had a magician at school today. He was really awesome.

Now to sleep until hella late.


1 comment:

  1. Don't get a Samsung. They start out AWESOME, but then after like a year or maybe a year and a half, they start not holding a charge. I think the battery came loose in mine, and my friend's just ran out of charges. (The guy at the store told her they can only be charged a certain amount of times until they start not holding the charge.)

    But yay AT&T! I have that!

    p.s. I don't know what this Mastadon you speak of is, but I assume it is a metal band. Sweet?
