Saturday, September 19, 2009

The only thing that can explain how I got into your house

It was about only 4-5 years ago I was stoked about shit like Yellow Card. Remember that one song? I just listened to it. I wanted to punch everyone in that video in the face.

Now I listen to shit like Daughters. Change is scary.

I do talk about my feelings you dummy. That's kind of the whole point of this blog (but not at all). Wanna talk about my feelings people reading this? My AIM name thing is critterspin. I'm on all the fucking time. We'll talk the shit out of my feelings.

I bought this shirt at that show I went to. It says "It's not a fight. It's a GOOD OLD WAR." I love it.

I haven't talked about that show have I? It was amazing. The Good Old War guys came into the audience at one point because some girl asked them to play "Tell Me" and they were like "We'll come play it next to you if you want" and they did. Keith bumped into me while they were singing and decided it was a good idea to just grab me and shake me. The Honorary Title was really, really, really good. Jarrod Gorbel has to be one of my favorite people ever. His set was kinda interrupted by this drunk-ish blonde lady who kept standing in front of the window behind the stage. Jarrod made a ton of jokes about her. He even stopped half-way through a new song because he saw her making out with some guy and made up this crazy dialogue about fucking. She was apparently a friend of one of the band people I guess. Whatever.

My phone number is 510-882-3023. I don't tend to answer. Leave a message about my feelings.


1 comment:

  1. o.o Whoa. You... your phone number?

    Glad you had fun at that show! :D My best concert moment is probably when Steve Bays of Hot Hot Heat sang to my friend and me (mostly because no one else in the audience was singing along to all of their songs like we were... they were all there for Editors, I suppose). But yours is cooler!
