Tuesday, September 15, 2009

No really, I'll let you finish

I'm so bummed out about how much attention Kanye is getting from his little "stint" at the MTV "You're marginally talented here's an award" show. Is this really worthy of that much attention? Are we not at the point where we can just wag our fingers and go "Oh Kanye..."? He's just an attention whore who tries to hard to be "opinionated".

I do have to say, however, that I like Beyonce's song way better. She's at least 40 times more talented than Taylor Swift. Plus, all of Taylor Swift's videos are like the exact same fucking thing. There's a boy, she doesn't have the boy, shit happens, she has the boy. Boring. Next.

I've become really fascinated with Skidmore. I wanna go there! I'm probably not gonna get in! I should maybe but totally fill out my common app first. -.-


1 comment:

  1. Kanye is just a big fat poopy, but I like his music. x]

    Beyonce is WAY more talented, you're right. But I didn't think her video was *that* great... not that there was anything wrong with it.. but yeah.

    Skidmore... is a college? Funny name...
