Monday, December 14, 2009


This is what we in the cattle industry call "Finals Week". This isn't just any finals week. It is THE finals week. The finals week to end all finals week until a later, as of yet undetermined time in my life.

I am blogging very early in the morning. That can probably tell you what mindset I am in right now. Not a good or productive one. I have about two late assignments and one that is actually due by the end of today. If I somehow convince myself to stay away from friends and distractions on a day where I don't even have to be at school, I will get them done. I will be more or less caught up. It's been so long since I've known that feeling.

The crowds will roar. So, so much.

If you've been reading my blog for more than a second, you'll probably realize I swear a lot. For no good apparent reason whatsoever. So, I've convinced myself to cut down on it. Maybe.

Concluding remarks.

I'm going to have a few weeks worth of free time soon. Assuming I do force myself to follow through with the whole learning the drive thing, I might spend a lot of that time just driving around and forgetting to put gas into the car. Even then I'll still have a lot of free time. I think I will force myself to write things again. Well, "force" makes it sound un-artsy. Haha. What exactly these things are is still unclear. How seriously I take it is still unclear as well.

Hi. Ho. Hi. Ho!


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