Monday, June 8, 2009


Finals are not fun. I just wanna get them over with. I could really care less what I get by this point. I've fucked this year up too so all I can hope now is that by Senior year I'll change.

I leave myself completely in the hands of fate, luck and all that jazz. Jazz. No jazz? Jazzy McJazzkins. They seems to know what I want better than I do.

I had this weird dream last night about giant fish. Like my parents were hell bent on raising these ugly, brownish/green fish that were the size of a donkey or something. Our backyard was turned into a giant fish tank and the back door actually led into the tank (so there was basically no back door unless you wanna drown or something). We started off with one. I didn't like it because it was just creepy. Then I remember walking by the door (which was made of glass so the fish could see me) and the damn thing started ramming into the door. I ran into the next room thinking it would stop if it didn't see me, but it kept ramming until finally the door broke and water just poured into the house. Then the fish for some reason was able to glide across the surface of the floor and started attacking furniture and stuff. It eventually spotted me and started gliding towards me, but someone (random person in my house?) rammed into the fish and knocked it on it's side. It couldn't get up or anything. We decided to tie it up against a wall and wait for it to die from lack of water. It didn't. My parents apparently really wanted it and refused to believe that it broke into the house and start going apeshit on everything. Nope. They instead got more! HOORAY!

Then I stopped dreaming about giant fish.

I you were given the chance to learn one tid bit of information about ANYTHING (this includes the ingredients to SPAM), what would it be? I'd personally want the identity of the Zodiac killer or like what was behind the whole thing (in case it was aliens!). It's just something that really interests me and makes me wish I was alive in the 60's.



1 comment:

  1. 1) I had a dream about a giant killer fish when I was like... 5 or 6? I still remember it. It was creepy.

    2) That question is hard to answer... I guess I will go with the easy answer and say the cure for cancer, since I can't think of anything more original at this point in time.

    3) There is now an example of LSD-induced artwork on my blog! Enjoy! xD
