Thursday, June 18, 2009

Summer days, I can't stand the Summer days

You will luff it! YOU WILL LUFF THE HELL OUT OF IT! The song that is. Isn't it a great song? Unless you hate cute. Then you're a fucker. >=O The good thing about songs by Olivia Lufkin is that should they feature guitars, they are usually really easy to figure out. Hooray!

So I believe I may be obsessed with "The Office". The good ol' Amurcan one of course. Great show. And Dwight K. Schrute may very well be my new hero.

I don't watch a whole lot of TV nor do I catch onto things very fast so bear with me.

I wanna see a Chinese version of "The Office". It would be weird. China would probably end up banning it. Hahaha.

I wonder if I blogged about stuff like this while I'm in China, would they like shut me down and deport me? Because a lot of people blog in China and some of them who talk a lot of shit or do things that the government don't approve of have been shut down I believe.

I've googled Tienanmen Square like once while I was in China and my uncle was like "Yea....don't do that..."

This is me bored. Hello. Time to quit being a panzy bitch and actually attempt to play Resident Evil 3 on mah PSP. Can't quite remember if the L2/R2 buttons were needed...I hope they aren't.


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