Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Whiny whine whine

So none of my teachers apparently know me well enough to write a letter of recommendation for me. Hooray. I'm pretty fucked then I guess. Country band. Get ready to get back together.

But hey, at least I tried right?

Whatever. I give up. Yes, I really would like to go to college, but I'm sick and tired of people telling me that it is going to define the rest of my life. Yes, it can have a significant impact on how I spend the rest of my life, but at the same time, I don't care a whole lot about being rich and successful. As I see it, I'm perfectly content working some fucking dead end job and going nowhere with life.

Maybe that's just me trying to cope with failing. Who knows?

On a lighter note, well....there isn't a lighter note.

I'm ready to move away from everyone here. They all just about piss me off.


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