Friday, January 23, 2009

I be blogging like it's Y2K

Who cares if it's smart? I'm getting tattoos on my wrist.

I just watched this movie called "Session 9". It's suppose to be a horror film/psychological thriller. I'm pretty indifferent towards it. It wasn't particularly bad nor was it particularly good. I personally felt like the story could've been fleshed out a bit more.

The movie itself was about this man named Gordon who runs an asbestos removal company with a small crew of people. His life sucks. He's recently married and has a kid and all that junk. Gordon = Stressed out man. He's hired to clean out this huge ass insane asylum/mental hospital within a week because Gordon really needed the job and I guess other companies were putting in offers also so he promises to finish within a week (much to the dismay of his crew). Then they start the job and yaddy yaddy ya, the place is creepy and Gordon starts hearing this voice that keeps greeting him. One of the other employees, Mike I believe his name was, stumbles upon this room full of patient files and he becomes obsessed with this stack of recordings labeled "Sessions 1-9" (get it?). They depict a doctor working with a patient named Mary who suffers from multiple personality disorder and has some sort of repressed memory that traumatized the shit out of her. Within Mary, there are three personalities: "The Princess", "Billy", and "Simon". The first two are childish (or more like they sound like little children) and spend most of the movie trying to hide exactly what that memory is. The last personality, "Simon", is feared by the first two and they refuse to "wake" him up for the doctor. And well, I don't really know where to go from here since I can't really continue the personalities without giving most of it away. Anyways, the crew are doing their thing and tensions rise between them. Two of them, Phil and Hank, have beef because Hank stole Phil's girlfriend. Gordon's nephew, Jeff, fits into this overall story somewhere. Fuck. Umm... Well, the week keeps going and members of the crew start getting killed by an unseen person thing. Gordon is seen constantly having flash backs to some point in time where he returns home after landing the asylum job (intending to celebrate with his wife) and instead "hits" her after she accidentally spills hot water all over his leg (she was cooking spaghetti or some shit). Mike keeps listening to the tapes and eventually gets to session 9 where "Simon" emerges and recalls the incident in which Mary kills her brother Peter after he "surprises" her and scares her. I don't know exactly what that means. I thought it was something along the lines of him trying to rape her then she retaliated, but some of the other things "Simon" says makes me think she's just really unstable and killed him simply because she was scared. Blah blah blah. I shouldn't attempt to review or summarize movies anymore.

Go watch it if that interested you. If you've seen it and found it boring, go back and watching dubbed in Spanish. You'll be fucking stoked.

I have this horrible urge to go on some random road trip to god knows where. There another reason to learn how to drive. That makes two. I don't wanna worry about having to do work or read music just to be the reserve guitarist.

J'ai deteste Alice. I restrung that bitch. The bridge fell off. I don't have a good metal ruler or much knowledge on how to adjust bridges. The intonations probably real off. SOMEONE GIVE ME $500 SO I CAN SAVE MYSELF FROM THIS! T^T

Okay. I iz tiredz willz notz givez intoz da footzzzz evenz thoughz youz canz sk8boredz @ deyz head1/4erz allz daysz.


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