Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Into the shape of a "t"

It's really funny.

I had this silly thought yesterday like "What if Becca broke her hand and I have to end up playing for the entire musical?" Well, she didn't break her hand (which is a good thing I guess), but apparently she doesn't wanna do the musical anymore so I'm officially guitar #2 for the time being. I can't read music. I don't own a slide. Somehow I'll make this work. We've got like an entire month and a half and I'm not THAT bad at guitar.

When you think about it, I tend to get what I want. Secretly deep down, I wanted to do the music thing full time for the musical. Teching is great, but demands WAY too much out of you. And by that I mean drinking a ton of energy drinks per night and trying not to kill yourself when you see that you've failed every test from a lack of doing any school work (were there til 10 pm fucker). So now I have it more chill. I can't tech anymore since I don't think I'm capable of putting my guitar down, running to move a box or chair, then running back and playing within like 2 measures.

Lastly, have you heard of Monster Fuck Parade? No? Well sir, you're in for a treat. You can listen to a bunch of grown men sitting in a room talking about dicks and watching dudes stick glass cups up their ass for an hour. Sounds great doesn't it? There's a link somewhere to your right. Click it.

(Throw up bags not included)


P.S. And a lot of bloody vagina sex. Lots and lots of bloody vagina sex.

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