Sunday, May 3, 2009

Sylvia Plath

I wonder where the weekend went. Weekends are suppose to be relaxing and stuff. Now it's just trying not to get crushed by god knows what. They're less productive and harder to take than regular week days. Something is very wrong.

Now I'll blog about this.

My life is pointing me towards Chicago. I really don't know why. I mean, the idea is not constantly in my face, but little things I encounter in my daily life are like "GO TO CHICAGO!!!!" End of thought.

I found out what the Sylvia Plath effect was today. I don't know if it can apply to me, but I think it's kinda true. In order to create anything remotely artistic, you kinda have to go crazy. Art isn't sane. But it sure as hell is hard.

I also thought it would be a good idea to write a song about Sylvia Plath. Then I realized both The Envy Corps and Ryan Adams have already done it and have done a pretty damn good job so I really shouldn't.

I think I'm really creepy. Do you get that feeling from reading this? I do. I don't know. I just think I'm a really creepy person. Like I'm probably not above stalking people. Or making shrines and keeping them in my closet (which maybe about a fifth of actually belongs to me so I don't have room for one).

I kinda want to be a bartender. Would that be a good idea even if I'm straight-edge? It's not like I have to drink. I just have to make drinks. Sounds like a good idea.


1 comment:

  1. GO TO CHICAGO! Lots of tall buildings and parks.

    Sylvia Plath... yikes. Crazytown to the max, no? But apparently she was a good writer.

    I don't find you creepy, if that means anything at all.

    It seems like bartenders are always trying to help out the drunk people in the movies, so maybe that is a good idea. You mentioned that you have drunk girls fall on you sometimes, right? So same idea.
