Monday, November 16, 2009

Quiet sounds alarm

I had this weird dream last night that a rattlesnake bit me on my ankle and like everyone refused to take me to the hospital. I have no clue if this says anything about my future. Probably not. Probably.


Don't you just love fun.?

I hate people who don't listen. The kind that don't even for a second take what you say into consideration. Mostly because they think they're better than you. The only way I can combat this is to ignore them. Being mean is just a waste of time and energy.

Today was one of those days when I just get super bummed out at how fast kids are growing up. By that I mean learning about all that naughty, naughty stuff 8 year olds used to giggle at. Those damn 8 year olds are probably shooting up crazy shit and doing crack now. It's 2009.

The above comment also just makes me feel freaking old. I'm 17, but I feel this enormous gap between me and like someone who is a year or 3 younger than me. I have a hard time picking up references to 80's stuff as it is and I take crap for that from friends and older people I know. Kids these days are just like "What?" to like anything remotely not in the 2000's. They don't get it. Let's hope we all die in 2012. Haha.

I meant that in the best way possible. I'm generalizing, but give it a few years and no one under the age of 20 will remember anything pre-twitter.

Sigh McSigh Sigh.

I'm totally about to see New Moon at midnight. WOOO!!!


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