Sunday, December 21, 2008



Nope, nothing awesome happened yet. Should stop saying shit like that.

But yea.

I lose faith in the people I hang out with more and more everyday. Apparently kids like to do this thing where everyone ditches everyone to hang out with everyone else. Really? Fuck. Don't ask people those people you're gonna ditch to go hang out then. That's just a waste of people's time and fucking stupid. If you don't wanna hang out with me (though I'm not talking myself since no one asks me to go anywhere anymore), don't fucking make me leave my house so you can run off and hang with the "cool" folks.

Maybe I don't even know what I'm talking about.

Haha. I get so angry at people sometimes. Stop wearing people fucker. Go die.

So yea. I need more flannels.


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