Friday, December 12, 2008

I'm a fucking git...

I wrote a really long post before this.

Something about the Sex Pistols and Johnny Rotten and how awesome it all was.

Then I thought, you don't fucking care.

Yea. I keep the reader(s) in mind. I'm just that nice of a person.

But the world doesn't allow me to be that person all the time.

What? Who fucking knows?

So....finals are coming up. Time to complain about it in my facebook status a hundred times. Or not...Whatever. The only class I'm kinda failing is English. I'm not worried. I'll actually study and hopefully won't do that bad. I'm only stressed when I wanna fit in and there's really nothing to fit into so fuck stress.

Cats in heat.


I bet you read through that thinking I hid some message in it didn't you? :D

Now you're like "Psh, no I didn't" when you really did.

And now you're pulling your pants down because I don't know.

This is where I leave.


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