Saturday, March 21, 2009


I don't know how many times I can say I feel lost on this blog before I finally believe me.

Last night, someone called be an "entertaining person". As soon as that comment left her mouth, I said something else that made her regret saying that. Probably. Haha. I'm not entertaining. I get old real fast. Here's my bag of tricks. I'll start with some really off key comment about whatever the hell it is I feel like talking about. Then I'll make random movements you may or may not find funny. Then I'll just start screaming obscene shit and making weird noises. *Insert disgusted look or laughter* Rinse, rinse, rinse, repeat. By then, you'll want a sane conversation. Sorry. Not capable of that. Sane conversations lead to you getting to know me as a person and not just that crazy screaming guy who'll probably cut you if you're not careful. I can't afford that. I've got bills to pay.

Last night, she gave me her half-eaten ice cream cone. I made some asshole comment about killing her for leaving her trash with me. Maybe if I keep this hostile attitude up, no one will realize I actually like her and we can all go on talking about getting drunk.

I think I was trying to be poetic with this one. I should keep my day job.


1 comment:

  1. Is it nuts for me to say that your bag of tricks sounds eerily similar to my own? And why don't you want her/anyone to know that you like her?

    Sorry for sticking my nose in somewhere it doesn't really belong... it's just what I tend to do.

    p.s. Happy Spring! It's finally here!
