Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Same fucking old

I hate life. I hate puppies. I hate crunchy leaves.

I have a hard time not hating my dad right now. He acts like a fucking four year old. He throws a fit every single time something doesn't go his way. He's also got like this killer superiority complex that just makes things suck when having to be near him in public. Every little thing insults him and he's gotta make a scene. If you've ever been at a restaurant with my family, you would know.

Okay. Vent, vent, vent. Sure, I'm at fault for pissing anyone off today. I realize that. But c'mon, you've known me since I was born. You know I'm not on top of my shit. You can't really yell at me for not caring about my education when you rarely pretend to care. My parents don't know how to deal with me. I really can't blame them either. I keep to myself all of the time.

Okay, maybe I don't hate puppies.

So that whole ordeal is over with. Today was the deadline to sign up for the SAT's in May. My counselor said I should take two subject tests in May and my SAT later in June, so I was just trying to follow what she said. I tried sign up online (this whole thing makes me hate the internet even more). They apparently think I've applied for the SAT's before and kept asking me for a previous registration code. I couldn't find it. I told my dad. He fucking flips out. I had to call the customer service and talk to a person. She was nice and helped me. I fucking hate life.

Now to take this in a completely different direction.

I may go see Ratatat on Thursday. After that little Dad rampage, I don't know if I still can. I don't listen to that crazy techno/electronic music, but I'm willing to go. I'm that desperate to see a show. That and my ticket's being paid for and I'm dragging any and all drunk girls who fall on me home.

Don't know my drunk girl story? Then I guess I'll tell you since it gets brought up every time I talk about concerts with people.

It was last, last year at Not So Silent Night. I was down in the crowd in between the set of some crappy band and another crappy band. This one girl and her friend were like trying to push their way through the crowd to the exit. As they pass me, one of them full on just passes out onto me. I thought she tripped at first, but then she just kept falling like a dead body would and looked pretty unconscious. Luckily, there was like a centimeter of space between me and everyone else so we technically couldn't fall on the floor. So I picked her up and these two dudes dragged her away. I still could only hope it was to the first aid tent thing they took her to. Then later on during the Jimmy Eat World set (which I was enjoying), this really drunk blonde girl just grabs onto me out of nowhere. Once again, I was like thinking she might have tripped or something. So I kinda steady her then was like "On your merry way fair maiden!" (exactly like that). Instead, she just kept holding onto me. She was clearly just really, really drunk and was probably holding onto me to keep herself from just falling to the floor and getting trampled on. She eventually caught onto someone else and left me all alone and stuffs. Hahaha.

Thus, I've become the guy random drunk girls fall on at concerts. That's not a good story.


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