Saturday, March 28, 2009

Rescue mission

My interim grades came today. I refuse to open them. I can't open them.


There's a small orange kitten under my dad's car. It won't come out, but it keeps making loud meowing noises. You know how much it sucks to listen to a kitten meow non-stop and you can't really help it because it's scared shitless of anything that moves? It also somehow found it's way into (like it actually climbs somewhere up near the engine) the car. We don't have any leftover cat food since. I don't know what I'm going to do. Maybe it'll get used to seeing my dumb ass trying to coax it out and actually get near me eventually.



  1. Good luck for your kitten. These short kinds of stories make your blog extra good and make me think "hey. Allan is really good."

  2. Congrats on finishing Footloose. I hope it didn't totally suck? From your blog, it seemed kinda not so fun but I hope there were at least some redeeming qualities to it.

    Also, The Gift of Paralysis as the titles of one of your posts? Are you a fan of Envy on the Coast? That would earn you many cool points in my book. (Not that my book matters, but I like to pretend that someone cares about it.)

    Thus, this comment is too long.
