Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The Creep

The upsides of Footloose:

-I've learned how to read music for the most part
-I get to stare at whatsherface like a fucking creep for two hours

The downsides of Footloose:

-I'm not getting any work done
-I've failed a good amount of tests
-Most of my teachers don't like me very much now
-I'm not getting enough sleep
-I have those horrible songs stuck in my head

Aren't musicals great? I shouldn't complain. This is the last chance I have to be apart of one before I graduate (assuming I somehow manage that).

I borrowed a copy of "Slaughterhouse-Five" by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. I haven't had a chance to read it yet, but I probably should since life has been pointing me towards this book. Maybe it'll change my life. Maybe I'll never finish it.

Back to whatesherface. I wish someone could sit me down and tell me exactly why I'm this attracted to her. I have absolutely nothing in common with her. She's kind of a bitch. She's not THAT pretty. So why? Am I just a shallow creep who will some day develop a Humbert Humbert style obsession due to all this stupidness? Perhaps.

Now to talk shit about another cast member. WOO!

So for super open-minded person who's all down with all the Berkeley bullshit, this person is such a fucking hypocrite. For some reason, that show "Dollhouse" was brought up in a conversation before class. I made some comment about how that show wasn't all that good and way too predictable (though I still watch it). This person immediately tried to shoot me down. He was just kept going "No! Nope. No! That's just not true!" and was basically calling me stupid for not completely loving that show. Oh, I'm sorry. I forgot people who don't agree with you don't have opinions. I'll remember to keep my mouth shut the next time.

That made sense. Right?

Okay. That's more than enough out of me.


1 comment:

  1. Stop having an opinion. dOlLhOuSe iS tEh Rgeatest!!!!!!!1
