Saturday, April 25, 2009

But it's Spring/Summer/Season

I slave over a hot Photoshop.

If this new layout color is in any way unpleasant, please file a complaint to my fan club and they'll try to get back to you as soon as possible.

I thought I'd make things a bit more cheery to offset the depressing that is my blog.

"Dolly" has evolved into something decent. I forgot a handful of lines I came up with in the shower (where the most brilliant ideas hit me) so I feel bad. I should stop. All this wannabe song-writer bullshit just makes me realize how I rather just not be the one doing it. Even with that said my goal currently is to just come up with enough material to be able to stand in front of someone and say, "Fuck you, I'm taking 45 minutes of your time." Exactly like that.

It also sucks that no one I know finds this whole music stuff amusing. Like they don't wanna sit around and play instruments all day and stuff. There's really no one for me to "play" with that sense. I guess I'm at the wrong school for that.

I'm going to make an effort to learn how to drive. Well, make it so I can legally be on the road. I really wanna go on a road trip. Cut right across this country, see what it's really about and maybe stop and crash on a few couches along the way. Let the people of the internet see how weird I really am in person. But more importantly, just to rip off every road trip movie ever filmed. Plus, it would be better than sitting around in Oakland for one more summer.

With that plan comes the need for money. Gas, camera, spears for hunting bison, etc. Minus the fact I don't have money and spend basically every bit of it on guitar-related doodads, I will also need some sort of job. Fuck it. I'll stay in Oakland.


1 comment:

  1. No no no, travel! That way I can show you The Bean and we can point and laugh at how oddly shaped it is. I feel like you might like it in some strange, coffee-induced amusement kind of way.

    Also, the color is not bad... it's just... bright? I guess I come to your page expecting blackness and them BAM! MUSTARD! But if it's what you want, then keep it. :)
