Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Oh darling you've fucked up

I've played Parappa. Oh man. I've PLAYED Parappa. It's made driving and flea markets all the more awesome?

Who'd ever thunk an EBow could be that expensive? I've added the EBow to my ever-going list of guitar equipment things I'll someday be able to afford and shut up about. But $100?! REALLY?! For a tiny little battery powered magnet thing (at least that's what I assume it is)? Then again, I've paid $600 for a piece of wood with magnets and strings that usually would go for $1300. Those little metal boxes that make your guitar make funny noises aren't cheap either. Nor is that giant box that all this shit goes into so it can regurgitate it all back out in the form of music or loud noises that piss people off. This is not a cheap hobby kids. Keep that in mind.

I'm fucking stoked about Lydia playing at Bottom of the Hill. I don't know how I'm gonna convince my parents to buy the tickets since I've been an uncooperative little fuck. I mean, I normally just get tickets at the door for shows there (which got me in free once to a DESA/Facing New York/Love You Moon/Not In That Specific Order show). But Lydia's kinda growing. They're not new, but they're getting kinda famous? All them indie kids dig this shit (I am a hypocrite). So I don't wanna risk not being able to get a ticket at the door and thus I must somehow get them onlines.

Which leads me to more Lydia. MORE LYDIA?! No. Not really.

I've had some weird dreams lately. I guess I'll talk about that. I broke the neck on someone else's guitar in one. That's what I remember the most. The rest is a blur, but I recall it all being crazy and making absolutely no sense. There's this other one I remember fairly well too that's got me all worried. It was something like I had to take two different SAT/college-related tests in one day and they were both really important. I showed up at one of them late and half-way through that one, I remembered I had completely forgotten about and missed the other one and they were not allowing me to re-take it ever again. Then it just kept going down hill. Does that reflect my future? Cause all this crap is happening in less than two months. Maybe I should be less nonchalant about all this, but if I start to worry, I fucking WORRY.

This post is not long enough. We have the technology. It will get longer. Did that come out wrong?

No it won't.


1 comment:

  1. Good. It's easily my favorite Playstation game. It's actually the reason I absolutely under no circumstances will ever ever ever part with my Playstation unless it breaks beyond repair without any reasonable doubt. Guitar Hero can suck it when it comes to PaRappa.

    I have no idea what you're talking about with any of that guitar equipment stuff but I hope you figure it all out. And is there such thing as a cheap hobby? Maybe playing with boxes... but what if the box-player gets bored of cardboard and wants to move on to ones made out of diamonds?

    Go to your show! Make big puppy eyes and dance around your folks in circles if you have to. (In my case, bribery never hurts.)

    I've been having weird dreams about my teeth, if it helps. Oh and people breaking into my house so they could stand in my room and stare at me while I sleep. Don't worry too much about your tests. That'll only make you stress out which could work out badly for you. Just remember when you do take them, wear yellow and chew gum, bring a snack and eat a carb-filled dinner the night before (to help you fall asleep) and a good protein-filled breakfast in the morning. Haha I feel like such a geek right now.

    Your post is not long enough just like my comment is not long enough.
