Saturday, April 18, 2009

This Could Be Fatal

I got "Swoon". It's okay. I like "Carnavas" better.

I haven't been sleeping well. I try really hard to fall asleep, but my head just refuses to turn off. Like every stupid little thing just surfaces and I end up laying in bed awake for hours feeling like shit. 'Cause they're not happy thoughts. Noooo.

I have been thinking about selling all my other guitars (everything but Lo'). Most of them aren't doing anything and I'm not really down with my acoustic all that much anymore. It's kinda smaller than a standard size acoustic (too girly, haha) and I found out what the Epiphone SJ-200EC was. SOOOOO PUURRRTYYY!!!

Yesterday at school, they handed out the prom invites. For a school who wants to be hella "green", it was probably the biggest waste of roses ever. The invite was basically a white rose with a little card tied to it. I broke mine (which was kind of an accident) then composted it. A ton of people just left theirs lying around. Maybe like a handful of girls kept theirs. Keep it up folks.

Okay. I've killed way too much time trying to fit stuff into this post. Good day.

1 comment:

  1. That's exactly how I felt, and why I slept around 4 hours a night freshman year.
