Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Downtown Table

My earlier post was a bit rushed. To clarify, The Hot Toddies are going on a fairly long tour. If you like The Hot Toddies, do go out and see them since they're great live. If you don't like The Hot Toddies, they'll steal your rims and drink all your booze. So like them.

I've become borderline delusional. Maybe it's cause I'm sick. I've been thinking less and just letting words pour out of my mouth in the past few days. Sometimes it's funny. Other times it's kinda awkward. I think a handful of people are actually worried I've gone completely insane.

Fuck. I actually just feel worse and worse every day. I don't think the cold meds are doing anything. Now I'm coughing. I wasn't coughing yesterday!

I write to whoever the hell wants to read sweetheart. You're not that special. :D

You know what I really, really, really, really, really, really want at this very moment?! LIKE RIGHT NOW!! THIS VERY MOMENT!!!!! Wait for it.... wait for it....

A LEOPARD PRINT PICKGUARD! OW!!!! Lola needs to look more shallow.

Okay okay okay.



  1. Well I hope "whoever the hell wants to read" appreciates you calling them "sweetheart" even more than I hate it.
