Monday, April 13, 2009


I am still very, very sick. I rarely get sick so when I do, it (for a lack of a better verb) rapes me. I half dozed off in almost all of my classes today. My parents never let me stay home when I'm sick so I couldn't rest. Okay, maybe they did like once or twice when I physically couldn't pick myself off the floor, but never for a cold or anything that doesn't mean I might die.

On a lighter note, I've become addicted to Patapon. News at nine.

I just got an IM which made me somewhat angry. I'm am absolutely amazed at how big of an asshole certain people are. Said person (not the one IMing me) wants to get paid to tech FADE, but not actually have to work or do anything and can just "come and go" as he pleases, but still charge for everything. This is coming from a guy who dropped out of the show a few days ago. Fuck him. Who the hell does he think he is? Fuck. I really hope no one running the show thinks that's a good idea. I'll lose respect for everyone involved in the show if that goes.

I'm still a little shocked anyone would even ask for something like that.

At what point does your ego just grow so big that you can convince yourself you can do that? That it's OKAY for you to do whatever the fuck it is you like and everyone else is suppose to just bend over and take it?

Do you shoot people for a living? Call me.


1 comment:

  1. In a situation like that, I may take up shooting people for a living. Sounds like a douchebag.

    I'm sorry that you're sick! :[

    If it's any consolation, this girl just messaged me about how I've apparently lost my sanity. I told her that I'm proud to be insane. :D
