Saturday, April 25, 2009

Oh my god what have I done?!

oh this could be the end, of something "horrendous" and the start of that same place. where all I feel pours out in some careless, clumsy way. where "this is the best idea, honey" stops being a thought, takes some kind of shape. where we just jump right in. right in. so tape it on your face and try to feel proud. put it in a jar it's sure to run out. on everything everyone told you it would be. until it makes you label it all with "disease". then put it in a box. yea throw it out. you're still worried it'll never last, I've carefully detailed the end. cause were going about it all wrong, look at the numbers and trends. so why take that chance when we can be insured for an unsure "when?" but before then. before then. blah blah blah....

There. That's cool right? RIGHT?! TELL ME IT'S COOL! Or tell me it completely sucks and I should never quit my day job. Tell me too much shit is in quotes and it's too mushy goddamn depressing. Okay?

It's not done. It has no name (though I do like "shutthefuckupmotherfuckersongofdoom", which I wrote on the paper this came from). This isn't even what I wrote on paper. This has changed because I added more words. Tried to be clevererer. It'll keep changing. Maybe until forever. Maybe until I feel it is clevererest. Maybe I'll throw it into an ash tray and burn it. MWAHAHAHA?!

I'm probably about 10% coffee right now so I'm very hyper. I feel slightly like a whore and slightly accomplished. A bit embarrassed and really hungry. What? WHAT?! I have put it out there though. I'm gonna start posting more of this crap. I've got more "ideas" that don't have anything to do with Charlotte already. Fuck Charlotte.

Okay, maybe that was mean. No. It wasn't. I'm actually very hyper. I'm scared.

Thank you for nominating me for that thingy. I appreciate it. I really do. I really, really, really do.

Did this post scare you? Did it leave a horrible taste in your mouth? Do you want something with talent? Check this blog out please:


Adam draws things. They're quite good. You love zombies because of it?



  1. Calm.Thefuck.Down.

    No, I don't mean that. That would be boring. I like it when you're hyper and post things like this.

    I think you should keep it, and keep working on it, and make it into something bigger and crazier. I like the sound of that first chunk, though... I like the rhythm, if that makes sense.

    It's impossible to scare me with words.


    The second part after what I would only dub the "chorus" doesn't not flow well when trying to sing it so I have to kill it and do stuffs.

  3. Well since I don't know the tune at all, I can't say anything about that.


    Or would that be creepy? Haha yay for commenting on two posts in the course of like 3 minutes or so.

  4. Would if I could, but I lack anything that records. =/ All the built in mic business sounds like crap (and like I'm underwater). I'll work something out.

  5. Fair enough. I have a headset with a mic on it that was donated by my dear mother when she got a lappy with sound capabilities. Not sure how well the mic works but I think it's decent. Mayhaps you should get one of those at some point in life. No rush. :D
